The importance of games and sport.


 Sports and Games
                                            "Games and sports enliven our life more interesting and gives us hopeful energy.''                                                                                                        The Outline. The meaning of  "Games" and "Sport'' _games and sport are develop our bodies, improve our health _sports improve our health _games teach us how to compete with others _we play games in the true spirit.

The words "games" covers all entertaining activities like indoor computer games cards , carom ,squash and outdoor games like football, hockey, cricket ,basketball ,baseball, tense game .The word "sport" covers exercises or games pursued in the open like cricket and honey .We all know, though we do not try to act upon the principle.

Sports for little children and students.

1) Physical sports require physical exercise.

2) Mind sports require mental agility, concentration and quick thinking.

3) There are pieces of evidence that prove that human is playing sports since ancient times.

4) Sport should have an element of healthy competition.

5) Sport should not be harmful to any living being.

There are some abuses of games and sports as is of course highly harmful for students to play games when they should study their books and prepare for their examinations. playing indoor games like cards, carom and chess for boys is harmful to the health.


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